Monday, April 23, 2012

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Well, I can't speak for everyone but mine is "natural". I had a few gray hairs when I was in high school in the early sixties which I immediately pulled out. I started colouring my hair in my early thirties but quit in my fifties because it is just another "job" to do. Have you checked what it costs to get it done at the beauty salon these days! I'm content to grow old as nature intended. I'm actually only thirty in my mind!

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Who would dye their hair gray? that's just silly.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

I am pretty sure it is Natural. XD Don't hold me to that though.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

It's usually natural.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

They die with it gray.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Some do, some do not, many have natural gray hair, I have very little at all.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

no usually its natural or distinguished as i keep been told

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Who would dye their hair gray?It's natural...that happens when you get older.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?


Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Usu. it's natural but if it isn't a pretty gray (like yellow tinged) some people dye it to make it nicer...And no it isn't silly. My grandfather looks great with gray and I know many beautiful gray haired women...

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

lol..its natural....i dont know anyone who would die their hair gray...except that dude from american idol. i totally forgot his name. but yeah him. thats funny. or they could die their hair so they would look more like senior citizens and get discounts

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Of course it's natural. There is nothing more that an older guy wants then to have a full head of dark hair. Intentionally dying their hair gray is the equivalent to them purposely chopping their balls off. This just doesn't happen! lol.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Natural in my case and I can't imagine anyone wanting to dye their hair gray. I did consider dying my beard a darker color when I was in my 40's because my beard turned gray long before my hair did but I decided against it. Once you reach sixty you're so glad you still have a full head of hair you really don't care what color it is.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Sadly it's natural.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

i know ive said as long as there is clariol I would never be grey,, but there are some really hot lookin people out there who know how to work the grey ,,id say natural,,,

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

I really doubt there are 'gray' hair dyes available , even if you wanna do that!!!

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Sometimes it's naturally all gray, but sometimes people will dye it all gray too. Especially when only some of it turns gray, that way they don't have "salt and pepper" hair or look like a tabby cat.

I've known several people personally that have done so (just not everyone likes to admit it). And YES, they do carry gray hair dye. Just check out a local beauty store.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Oh its natural, unfortunately.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Grey hair is what happens when some of the hairs stop producing the chemical which colors the hair.

It can and does happen at any age, sometimes you go steel grey and it stays that way, or you hear of people going white very quickly. The shade of grey has to do with how many hairs have stopped producing color and how many are continuing. The more white hairs, the more Grey the whole head appears.

You can tell a natural grey, the individual hairs will be different colors.

There are toners for grey hair, that's why some elderly women have those unfortunate lavender or blue hair colors.

If you want a more silvery color, you can get that too, the yellow some grey goes isn't very flattering on anyone.

But the silver grey was used in Marie Antoinette's court, it was considered to be flattering against all skin tones.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

My dear, it just comes naturally!

But I must tell you, that when you do add color to that natural grey, the dye really makes the color much more vibrant.

I had my hair dyed a beautiful "RED", like a punk red, several years ago %26amp; wow- it sure stood out. Had so much fun with that look. By the way, I am 62. Nuff said

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Are you kidding? It's natural, it's beautiful, and it's not unfortunate. Everyone knows when you have a head full of chemical dye, and you look foolish!

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Normal progression of age of course a few never turn gray.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Mine is not quite a full head of "silvered" hair (not gray please...that is too plebian!). I have about half and half brown/red/blonde mix (that I had for my whole life) and silver in the very back of my head from ear height down to my nape.

I assure you that each and every strand is my own colour without enhancement, and I actually prefer the silver to my original combo.

But I DID know one girl who, from the time she left home at 21, had gray streaks put into her naturally dirty blonde hair to lighten it. I asked her one time why she would choose gray since she is such a young woman, and gray is an "old" colour, and she just said that she "liked it".

Interestingly enough (I saw her intermittently over the years when my visits to my parents would coincide with her visits to hers), she STOPPED adding gray to her hair at about the age of 40, and started colouring it an all-over honey blonde instead. (When you're young you try desperately to look older. When you are old you try desperately to look younger. Sad commentary on our times!)

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

My hair is going to be snow white if I live that long. I will never dye it.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Now there's an idea! I am 67 and still have mostly brown hair. I really WANT gray hair. Shall I dye it?

The suggestion is sort of funny. Most people want to cover bits of gray; I want mine to multiply.

I'm a great-grandmother. Don't you think I've earned it?

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

My mothers entire family and most of my dad's have snow white hair, no yellow we are speaking a fluffy cloud here. Mine is a combo of white and red so it is sorta a yuk blonde color, there is a rinse you can use that tames the yellow, it is just a shampoo to shampoo rinse, white manx. My eldest son has white hair and the younger son is getting grey now. Daughter is a blonde and still early 30's so not showing yet. My hair is so thin I usually wear hats, that too runs in the family. I have an artist friend that has had grey hair since she was 40 and it is beautiful, no dye.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

It's not a stupid question. Many people, mostly women, choose to let their hair go grey. Once it's grown out all grey, they can choose from some of the beautiful shades of grey that are available in hair color today. I have seen some women with the most gorgeus silver grey hair! When it's my time to be all grey, I'm going with that color.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

I was going to dye my hair gray, but I didn't see any gray hair dye at the store. So I guess people can't even if they want to. Is that discriminatory or what? I think silver hair looks cool.

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

There are no coloring products to dye your hair grey. If you already have grey hair, there are products than eliminate yellowing and somewhat change the shade of the grey

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

Its natural

Do older people who have a full head of gray hair die it gray or is it natural?

They don't have hair. That's their soul barely hanging on where they are so old.

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