Friday, April 27, 2012

Does anyone know of a mild hair relaxer?

I am a light skinned african american woman. I have curly all natural hair that requires a lot of maintenance. I contantly have to apply a hair lotion or grease because it is really dry. I've learned how to straighten it with hot combs and curlers, but any type of humidity just brings the curls right back. I used to get relaxers put in my hair, but decided to go natural alittle over a yeasr ago because it was damaging my hair. Now I'm thinking about going back to relaxers, because then my hair will be easier to manage. But I need a mild and subtle one that's not so harsh on my hair. ANY SUGGESTIONS?! PLEASE!!!

Does anyone know of a mild hair relaxer?

I can't get what u say. But i was much satisfied with the haircare tips said in the website here. Refer the website for more info.

Does anyone know of a mild hair relaxer?

I've seen one by pantene pro-v

Does anyone know of a mild hair relaxer?

Okay I am A Hair Care Professional....

Any brand of relaxers carriers mild.... They all have regular, mild, and super. That is true, relaxed hair is easier to manage. I suggest that you see a professional explain to them what you usually do to your hair on a regular bases and what you want your hair to do for you.Than they can suggest the right relaxer and technique for you. Remember believe it or not, your hair plays a very big part of your looks and should not be taken lightly, see a pro..

Does anyone know of a mild hair relaxer?

I do my own relaxers because I had one too many bad experiences in going to hair shops to get my hair done. So that's my first piece of advice to you-- learn your own head of hair and do it all yourself. Second, I use Organic Root Stimulator in Regular Strength. I only keep it on for half the time then I rinse it out and condition my hair for an hour. Then I use a flat iron to get it straight. I would recommend ORS and rinse out early. Steer clear of beauticians because they will try and keep the perm on your hair a long time and you will end up with broken off hair. I do my hair myself and my hair has been growing.

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