Friday, April 20, 2012

What can I do when half my hair is permed [relaxed] and REALLY bad root are growing in?

Ok, during last December I got a relaxer, its been almost a year and now I have crazy roots growing in- like 5/6 inches of roots! So basically half my hair is natural, and half relaxed. It looks funny, because my roots [natural hair] are curly and poofy and the ends are super-straight.Its really hard to style, because if I try to rock a straight look or flat-iron it -the roots'll be all poofy in a bout an hour, and if I want a curly natural look, the ends'll go back straight. it gives my hair a such weird shape. I cant get another relaxer because times are hard for me right now, and we don't have money to go to the salon to get it done it costs like $80, and I REFUSE to get a home kit. And my mom wont let me cut the relaxed ends off! And its takes me FOREVER to flat-iron my hair.Hopefully we'll have some money soon and she can take me to get it relaxed again, but what cant I do to make my hair til then that doesn't require relaxer, cutting, or too much flat iron

What can I do when half my hair is permed [relaxed] and REALLY bad root are growing in?

You can invest in some rollers, pin curl clips, end wraps and setting lotion or mousse. Roller set you hair in a spiral set. You could also wear more natural styles that will blend the two textures together like a braid out or twist out. To do this braid or two strand braid your hair while wet into cornrows, let it dry and then take it out. You are left with a crinkly/curly style. The site below also has a list of how-to's and styles. Just click on the style and it gives you instructions. Also a great site for going natural.

What can I do when half my hair is permed [relaxed] and REALLY bad root are growing in?

well when u straighten it try adding some mousse or hairpsray it will make the straightness last longer or how about putting it up and brushing the roots back and moussing it back just until u have the money to have the roots done sorry not much good advice but there is limited options u can do seeing as u do not want to get a home kit x

What can I do when half my hair is permed [relaxed] and REALLY bad root are growing in?

i would say try touching up the roots (ONLY) with a home kit, however you don't want to use a home kit. So, I'm suggesting using a HOT COMB. You heat it on the stove and press the roots ONLY. Ask your mom about Hot Combs they are great. More importantly they are inexpensive, and they are better for your hair than the chemicals in a relaxer. Try it and see, make sure you run it pass your mother first though.

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