Monday, April 23, 2012

What are the natural care pratice for dandroff?

I am 28 year young man from India working as softwair engneer.Since last 4years I have hair falling problems.I have tried all systemems of medicines to stop hair loss.The dandroff infection is not being fully cured.It revisits.I have no bald family histry for both my parents side.I need to know and pratice some natural hair care pratices which I can pratice to stop further hair fall and regenerate hair

What are the natural care pratice for dandroff?

if not head and shoulders then home recipies says that use lemon juice to wash ur hair once a week. you can even dip the onoin peels in water and use it for washing hair mixed with a tablespoon of vinegar.

What are the natural care pratice for dandroff?

Use Head %26amp; Shoulders

What are the natural care pratice for dandroff?


Eat/drink milk,pulses,beet root,fruits salad or juice,veg salad or soup,

Discontinue Liquor,Non Veg,Chillies,Sour,Cold drinks,Heavy undigestible food.smoking

sometimes fasting is also important

You have to regular in prayer,yoga,meditation,swimming,any suitable exercise,

You should make one doctor friend for regular advise

Avoid drugs as far as possible bcoz of side effect

laughter is the best medicine

What are the natural care pratice for dandroff?

heavy dandruff cure:

What are the natural care pratice for dandroff?

Wash your hair regularly (say on alternate days) and apply coconut oil with a gentle massage for 5-10 min. This should atleast stop further increase in infection.

To me it worked well.

What are the natural care pratice for dandroff?

First of all, Tea Tree Oil or any natural shampoo with tea tree oil in it is good for dandruff. Look in any health food store %26amp; ask for help. HOWEVER, part of your problem could be Stress !! Sounds like a very stressfull job. Your may need to get help to relieve the stress in conjunction with natural supplements %26amp; shampoo.

What are the natural care pratice for dandroff?

Dandruff, a condition characterized by flaking, itchy scalp, is one of the most common dermatogical conditions. Fortunately, while the exact cause of dandruff is not know, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk of getting it, and effective treatments are available. So if it looks like a winter storm is following you--and only you--around everywhere, read on.


Eat a healthy, balanced diet. As if you needed another reason to eat right, it turns out that a healthy diet may ward off the flakes. Make sure to get plenty of zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids, and B-vitamin, and avoid excessive yeast and sugar. Research suggests that dandruff is at least in part caused by a fungus that thrives in yeasty, fatty, sugary environments. You don't want your head to be that kind of environment anyway, do you?

Don't worry, be happy. Stress challenges the body's defenses and encourages all sorts of ailments, including dandruff, so relax now and don't worry about wearing a black shirt tomorrow.

Limit your use of hair styling products. Hairspray, mousse, and gel may contribute to dandruff in some people. They may also cause excessive drying of the skin, which can cause flaking--or trigger allergic reactions. If you notice dandruff soon after you begin to use a new product, chances are the product is to blame.

Wash your hair regularly. Dandruff seems to thrive in oily hair, so regular shampooing (daily, if your hair is oily) can help you fight it off. If you already have dandruff, washing your hair may help you keep the symptoms (the flakes) under control until it goes away. Massage your scalp so that you clean your skin, as well as your hair.

Use a shampoo designed to treat dandruff. If dandruff persists despite regular shampooing, you may need something stronger. There are a variety of anti-dandruff shampoos available at your pharmacy or grocery store, and they usually work. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully, and make a little extra time to shower, as most of these recommend that you leave them in for 5-10 minutes and lather twice.

Be patient. While anti-dandruff shampoos may produce results after a few uses, it can take a week or two to see the difference.

Switch it up. If one type of anti-dandruff shampoo doesn't seem to work, or if it works for a time but then doesn't, switch to a product with another active ingredient (the active ingredient will be labeled on the bottle).

See your doctor if the problem persists after more than a couple weeks of treatment. There are prescription shampoos available, and prescription steroid creams may also help.

It's best to get your vitamins from food, rather than nutritional supplements. A quick internet search will turn up foods you can integrate into your diet that are rich in zinc, Omega-3s, and B-vitamins.

Dandruff is not a good reason to get drunk. Yes, a beer or two may help you forget how badly that date went once she noticed your flakes, but the yeast and sugar in beer and other alcoholic beverages can also contribute to further dandruff.

If anti-dandruff shampoos aren't working, or if you notice redness on the scalp or silvery or yellow flakes, you may not have dandruff at all. A number of other conditions can lead to flaking skin and itchy scalp. See your primary care physician or dermatologist.

A quick internet search will turn up all kinds of home remedies for dandruff. While some of these may indeed work, anti-dandruff shampoos are inexpensive enough to be adequate for most people.

Wear light-colored clothing (especially tops) while you have dandruff. Most people won't even notice.

Home treatment for dandruff

You can use home treatment to prevent and treat symptoms of dandruff, such as white flakes or scaly skin from your scalp.

Use an antidandruff shampoo. There are many types of antidandruff shampoos that contain different ingredients. You may have to try several before you find out which one works best for you.

Shampoo every day to prevent a buildup of dead cells on your scalp.

If an antidandruff shampoo helps stop dandruff for a while but the dandruff problem returns, try a different shampoo.

Consider alternating antidandruff shampoos with regular ones if you think that an antidandruff shampoos might be too harsh for your hair.

Rub your scalp. When you wash your hair, lather once, rinse, then lather a second time and rub your scalp vigorously as you shampoo. This will help dislodge excess cells. Be careful not to rub so energetically that you damage your scalp.

Let it soak. After you lather the second time, let the shampoo sit on your head for 5 minutes. This will give the medicine in the shampoo time to work.

Rinse well. This will help get rid of all the cells you have loosened up during shampooing.

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