Friday, April 20, 2012

Relaxed or Natural, Or does it Matter?

I am a member of a site called Napptruality. It is a great site for educating yourself on how to care for Natural hair, and to find out what products work. But I don't visit it often.

Why don't I visit often? Because, this site and majority of the members hate relaxers and love to tell you about it, and what they think of those who wear relaxers.

Once just to create Drama, I posted that I loved relaxers and straightening my hair, and that I had no intentiono of given up the "Chemical Fire Cream" as they call it up. If they new where I lived I probably would have gotten death threats.

To all my brothas and sistas wear your hair how you want. I discovered I love being natural. However, that dosen't make me more black or even more acceptant of my race or culture, it just means I like being "Nappy".

Anywho, my question is, Does it Matter?

Relaxed or Natural, Or does it Matter?

Chemical Fire Creamer!!!!

Your hair is gonna fall out!

Were gonna find you!

I am joking. Your story made me laugh. Thank you.

Relaxed or Natural, Or does it Matter?

I don't think it does anymore.

I finally decided to grow my hair out of the "fire cream". I couldn't decide what I would do for the transition - cut it all off or maybe put in some braids or twists for a while. I went searching through all the magazines and internet images I could find for ideas on what "style" I could wear. The sheer volume and variety of styles I found suggests to me that it doesn't matter anymore.

I'm getting real excited about my return to my natural "roots"!

Relaxed or Natural, Or does it Matter?

Ok, yeah I'm not black but stuff like this drives me nuts. Just because one group of people like to do things a certain way does NOT mean the entire world has to do it their way too. I think you should be happy which means doing what YOU want with YOUR hair. If you want to straighten your hair, good for you. If you want to go for a natural look, great.

I got a perm over 2 years ago and my hair is still curly. People tell me all the time that my hair will stay curly now and I have seriously considered straightening it because the curls drive me crazy, I can't imagine what you go through.

Relaxed or Natural, Or does it Matter?

Sounds like the people on that site have way too much time on their hands. The answer to your question, is NO, it doesn't matter. Who cares? Do your hair how it looks best on you, not based on how others define your "Blackness." Not everyone has the same type of hair. I'm black, but I could never have one of those awesome afros that my mom rocked back in the day b/c my hair is just too soft. So, I relax my hair and look fabulous doing it.

Relaxed or Natural, Or does it Matter?

No, it doesn't matter. I tried growing my hair out naturally because I loved how it looked on certain people but the longer I had my hair natural (almost 2 years) the more I hated it. It just wasn't for me. The style just didn't match "me." So now I'm back to being relaxed and just taking better care of my hair. I don't understand why some women who have natural hair want to attack women with relaxed hair for our choice in hairstyle. It's a style decision, not a race decision.

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