Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hair dye {professional help needed}?

Ok, so here goes, please don't try and talk me out of doing this myself, because i will no matter what you tell me, so just give me sound advice please. My natural hair color is a between a very dark and medium shade brown. Over the summer, i use peroxide to lighten my hair a little bit, not massive amounts, just a little here and there to give a give of a variation. A few weeks ago, i decided that i wanted to go back to my natural color, and i bought a permanent dye. This did not go as planned however, and the result was at the bottom, extremely dark, and the rest was very dark. This is obviously not my natural color. The color, i noticed, also has a very deep red tint, slightly marroon you might say, and i want to remove the red. I would like to go to a lighter brown, a brown {more blond brown than red brown}. What color dye should i buy? Should i get one with lighter tones, cooler tones, medium tones? Any brand suggestions for te dye?

Hair dye {professional help needed}?

i would say medium tones and natural instincts is good!

hope i help a little

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