Monday, April 23, 2012

Hair Check!!?

Okay my natural hair is wavy/curly and COMPLETELY frizzy. I used to be a beach blonde, but now my hair is growing brown. I want to chemically straighten it AND dye my hair blonde. My grandma did it when she was young (except with perms) and her hair was okay, just a little damaged. Is it okay to do or will my hair melt?!?!?!?! Help me!

Hair Check!!?

Well here is what I would do. Do which ever one you want more first. Ie: if you want to be blonde more, do the blonde first. Then after a couple of weeks, go to a local salon and have them cut a tiny piece of your hair out and put the chemical straightener on it. See how it reacts with the colored hair. This is the best way to see how dry/fried your hair will react.

Hair Check!!?

See a professional. Do not attempt to do this yourself. If you see a professional and you use the correcty products that they suggest, your hair should be fine.

Hair Check!!?

ok your hair wont melt! you are not barbie! but if your hair is going brown color it if you want. dont go too light tho cuz your hair will turn orange! i have seen that happen! it was horrible! and chemically straightening your hair is fine. but make sure you dont do it too often! good luck

Hair Check!!?

what vanity...burn it up....melt it asked...i answered...good luck

Hair Check!!?

go do it. i had the same sitchuation (cept the blonde part) and my hair is perfectly fine, and even if it does get damaged with the colouring its not going to be THAT bad and it'll grow out

Hair Check!!?

No your hair won't melt but, I would get a flat iron it's a lot safer as for dying your hair your self it should be ok just get a good product. Good luck!.

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