Monday, April 23, 2012

Gray hair starting at 13?

hello. my natural hair color is black/brown. i am never under alot of stress. and ive had gray hairs since i was 13. now i am 15 and i have a WHOLE BUNCH OF GRAY HAIR. its not like in patches either. they are in random places in my hair. its never ontop of my head either,its usually under my hair. i think its probably in my genes. can somebody tell me why its happening and what causes it. i personally think its kind of cool. oh and i also have a few strands of gold and red in my hair..what causes that too. its not becuz of the sun either because its under all of most my hair. im asian so you could imagine how it looks. thankkkkkkkkkkyou.

Gray hair starting at 13?

Yeah grey hair can be a result to your genes and stress. You should probably ask family members if grey hair at an early age runs in the family. I knew someone who was 16 and had grey hair. If you like it then good for you... some people call it their natural highlights. And the gold and red... nothing causes it really, its just probably the way your hair is. Like I'm a medium to dark brown and I swear sometime's I have blonde, red, and black strands of hair if I look real close. I had red hair when I was younger so I dont question the red.

Gray hair starting at 13?

People have different shades of hair mixed in, this includes gray. Like for instance, my hair is dark brown, and over the years, I've gotten increasingly red streaks. So it's natural, especially at your age when the chemicals in your body are changing. Don't worry, you won't go gray at 15.

Gray hair starting at 13?

It sounds as you are maturing fast. You can't help slow it down but you can die your hair. Or contact a spacial doctor for a prescription.

Gray hair starting at 13?

well i dont no any of the reasons for all that stuff, but if u dont like it u could dye it all the same color. or whatever.

Gray hair starting at 13?

what ever you do DONT pull them...... there is a saying if you pluck 1 gray hair 7 more grow back in its place....... why dont you get high lights? that will help cover them up

Gray hair starting at 13?

Genetics pure and simple, but if you think it looks cool good for you :0)

Gray hair starting at 13?

That's actually really really cool. are you sure it's not just the light you're under that makes it look that way? and since it's on the underside of your hair don't worry about it.

my uncle went completely white at 20, so it's not that bad. :D

Gray hair starting at 13?

because your hair is dying its normal. you should never pull them out it just makes it worst

Gray hair starting at 13?

Some people get gray hair faster than others. One of my reletives has white hair and they are only in their twenties. You might want to dye your hair, but you seem to be okay with it.

Gray hair starting at 13?

dye your hair it should help

Gray hair starting at 13?

Don't fret OHH LAA LAA I also have some gray hair too, it started when I was 10, now that I'm a teenager A hairstylist told me that I have premature hair growth and that, it is inherited. What she is saying is true. I found out that I've got it from my dad. Whom, got it a long time ago.

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