Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dying my own hair?

Ok, my natural colour is a medium/dark blonde.

When i go to the hairdresser i normally have a T-section in a light/medium blonde shade.

I don't go to the hair dresser very often, maybe two or three times a year and the last couple of times i've asked for them to tone my hair down towards my natural hair colour.

I'm due to go again for my xmas cut and colour but i was wondering if it is a waste fo money to pay like 鎷?0 for a T-section in my natural colour?

Would i best just as well off if i dyed it at home and just paid for cut?

I've never dyed my own hair before and i'm a bit unsure as my brother has done his a couple of times and it came out quite ginger...

Dying my own hair?

What color is your hair right now? If it is blonde it will be easy to go drastically darker but that is about it without risking it turning out bad. Never, ever try to color your hair lighter, that would be a big mistake. If you try to color it a couple of shades lighter it will probably just turn out kind of mousey and boring. Also, you can't do highlights yourself, too hard. I would recommend just going to the hairdresser unless you want to go from blonde to dark brown.

Dying my own hair?

Well dying on your own is fine and safe as long as you know what your doing. As mixing the wrong colours can cause weird results.

For dark blonde would be quite easy to do on your own, do you know anybody who could help you with it?

As it seems a waste to spend that much at the hairdressers.

Dying my own hair?

Match the colour of your original colour hair and dye it yourself, then leave it alone. Try not to dye your hair to much, it turns oily, scraggily, and wirey.

Dying my own hair?

if you can afford to go to a stylist, go.......they'll do a better job....

Dying my own hair?

I can only talk from experience and that of a few friends, but I would avoid all home dying kits and pay for it to be done professionally.Any home kits I have tried in the past have either burnt my scalp or turned my hair a horrible bright ginger,

resulting in a trip to get it sorted at the hairdressers anyway.

Dying my own hair?

i wouldn't advise dying it yourself if you have never done it before. 鎷?0 is quite expensive, my mum is a hairdresser so i get mine done for free, but in the salon, she charges 鎷?0, including a blow-dry

Dying my own hair?

first of all it is not perfect to dye your self, it is better to get some body's help.

now in market there are several good colours are available, u get those ones which you like to had, then better wash your hair with a little warm water, then softly make it dry, by using the brush after wearing the glove or cover for fingers, you could apply the prepared colour to your seperated bundle of hairs; better in the liedown position. of course you can sleep for a while, after couple of hours you could wash your hair with warm water.

Dying my own hair?

As long as your not bleaching it many shades below your natural colour at home then it would be fine. I always used to colour my hair, since I was 11! And yes, it did go wrong many times; ginger, black, pink, you name it; I've done it! As long as you follow the instructions it should be fine.

Best of luck, Princess Lola x

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