Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

i nnoticed some mnths back that i was a bit lighter than usual. i'm 5'2 and was around 110,111. i could see that clothes that use to fit well had a little extra room which is crazy. i 'm naturally slender so losing weight is not good for me. i realized my hair was falling out and so i cut it. now for the past few weeks i noticed that when i comb my hair too much hair is coming out in the comeb. the sides are coming out when i just pull on it just slightly. i don't know what to do anymore. i feel so down cause i'm all skinny and my hair is falling out and i can't think of any other reason why it would be. i'm a black female with natural hair so i know my hair nedds lots of moisture, i grease it everyday and i've been conditioning it once a week for the past three weeks. doesn't make a diffenerence cause i'm still losing hair and i might as well cut it again cause i'm sick of having hair all over the place. could my hair be connected to my weight loss??

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

Weight loss per se doesn't mean hair loss... But malnutrition can. If you see the connection between your weight and your hair loss then there probably is one. Eat a health balanced diet and don't worry, the hair will grow back.

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

Go see your Dr. and have a thyroid test. Hyperthyroidism will cause weight loss as well as hair loss. This is very easily treated. Don't wait to long. Good luck

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

Many things can cause hair loss. Poor diet, stress, hormonal imbalances, alopecia. I would go to a doctor and have your blood levels checked. While there, tell the doctor of any other unusal things you may be feeling. Your thyroid gland has a lot to do with your hair, so it may be the culprit. I would first have this blood done, and if everything comes up normal, consider your stress levels and change your diet while taking a good multivitamin. (from a health food store.) Good luck.

Could my hair be falling out due to my recent weight loss? i'm 19?

Can be. Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.

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